The umbilical cord blood is the blood that is in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of a child. When the umbilical cord is held and severed, it comes out with about two ounces of blood. Doctors collect this blood with a surgical needle. These blood cells are full of adult stem cells that make up our immune system and blood. These are collected, processed and stored for use in clinical trials. On the other hand, the umbilical cord tissue is the cheerful-looking material found around the umbilical vessels of the newborn. After the umbilical cord has been retained and severed, a portion of the cord is stored to collect these tissues. These tissues contain thousands of different types of stem cells and saving umbilical cord tissue offers the ability to form cartilage, circulatory tissue, skin, bones, the nervous system, and the sensory organs. Now the first question, what are the benefits of stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue on the umbilical...