Cord blood stored in the umbilical cord which
contains stem cells. The stem cell
naturally grows in the blood vessels,
tissues, and organs. These cells are
specialized cells and help to treat many diseases. You can collect the cord
blood at the time of your child’s birth and store it for future.
What is Umbilical cord blood bank?
Umbilical cord blood banking means to collect the blood which
left in the umbilical cord of a newborn baby and in the placenta. This blood
can be stored because of the future medical usage. For storing the blood we
have two options
Either donates the cord blood to any public cord
blood bank for others who are in need of
that blood
Another option is you can easily store the cord
blood in the private umbilical cord blood bank for yours and your family use.
How can you collect the blood?
Umbilical cord banking collects
the blood from the cord after the childbirth.
You do not have to worry about the collection process as it is safe for your
baby and it is painless too. It has no interference with your delivery.
Collecting blood is so fast and painless process that without understand the
anything doctor done process.
What are the benefits of cord blood banking?
The Umbilical cord blood is the source of blood
stem cells. These cells are the create the immunity system. It can develop
another type of cells so it can protect the tissue, blood vessels, and organs
from diseases
Diseases that can be treated with
the umbilical cord
The Umbilical cord blood stem cells can treat more
than 80 various kinds of disease. This
disease includes cancer, immune
deficiencies, and blood disorder. Other diseases are Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, nonhodgkin’s
lymphoma, aplastic anemia etc
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