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All the facts you need to know about cord blood banking

Most people these days are looking forward at the possibility of saving the new born umbilical cord in the event that it might help the baby as well as any of the close family members in treating the disease.  Statistics carried out by experts have shown that there is a high possibility that the baby will need the stem cells of the umbilical cord than a close family member.

How it operates
It is the process of obtaining as well as storing the umbilical cord of the new born.  It is the cord that is attached to the bellies of the belly button of the placenta during pregnancy.  It is basically the channel that provides nutrients as well as oxygen to the fetus. Just until recently the placenta and the umbilical cord were considered to be medical waste and could be disposed after birth.
The stem cells that are often harvested from the umbilical cord of a human being are used to treat infections such as leukemia, brain injury as well as Alzheimer’s. The umbilical cord basically is full of these precious cells. Others diseases that have been cured through the use these stem cells include cerebral palsy.
Harvesting process
The harvesting procedure is rather a simple and painless procedure to both the mother as well as the child. In case you need the services of stem cell banking then you need to consult your physician and let them know as early as possible. After the procedure cord blood banking company will come and collect the umbilical cord. The banking of the cord blood can either be done privately or publicly depending on the client’s request. Private banking requires one to invest a small fee while public banking is free of charge.


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